Saturday, March 14, 2020

The development of Rousseau and Raskolnikov in Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishment and Camus The Outsider

The development of Rousseau and Raskolnikov in Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishment and Camus The Outsider In every society, it is important for individuals to adhere to a set of principles inorder to maintain order. In Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment and Camus' TheOutsider , however, both protagonists ignored the values of their society. Raskolnikovand Meursault felt their own beliefs were significant, and through their actions they wereable to express them. As a result, one man was judged as a social deviant, while the otherman suffered psychologically. Through dealing with this strife, Raskolnikov andMeursault gained a better understanding of their values and personal worth.In the beginning both men rejected the fundamental values of society and formedtheir own ideologies. Raskolnikov, for instance, believed that "we have to correct anddirect nature. But for that, there would never had been a single great man"1. In fact, hehad written an article titled "The psychology of a criminal before and after the crime".Poster for Czech first production of Raskolnikov (...Itstated that 'ordina ry' men live according to the law and exist only to reproduce thehuman race, yet 'extraordinary' men may break laws "if in his own conscience it isnecessary to do so in order to better mankind"2. Raskolnikov believed that indeed, hewas an "extraordinary man"3, but like Meursault, his beliefs were untested. As a result,he murdered an old pawnbroker women in order to prove himself. Meursault, as well,acted against the social norm. For example, even though it was expected of a son, he didnot show sorrow at his mother's funeral4. He did not think this was shallow, however, hejust refused to falsely show emotion when he did not feel any; "I realized that I'dmanaged to get through another Sunday, that mother was now buried, that I was goingback to work and that, after all, nothing had...